Airfoil Control Dampers

An airfoil, also known as an aerofoil, refers to the shape of a damper blade. It is the cross-sectional shape of an object that, when moved through a fluid such as air, generates aerodynamic force. A common misconception is that for a damper blade to be considered an airfoil, it must resemble the shape of an airplane wing. An airfoil design is simply one that is aerodynamic, with smooth transitions that avoid the eddy effect which causes turbulence and pressure loss.

Tamco’s unique blade design has a parabolic curve that falls within the specifications of an aerodynamic blade design. Tamco has innovated its airfoil blade design to achieve the lowest pressure drop in the industry.

Airfoil Control Damper, Low Leakage (Series 1000)

Airfoil Control Damper, Ultra Low Leakage (Series 1500)